Monday, August 1, 2011

My Blog Disappeared! What should I do?

Your BlogSpot blog was deleted / erased, disappeared from your Blogger account  or disappeared from the web? I know that it is very difficult to suffer such conditions. Now please calm down because in life everything is not going to be constant. Now, calm down. While scary, this means not always a tragedy and not the end of your career pro blogger.
There are several reasons for a blog be deleted, and the most common one is that it is considered a “Blog Spam”
In March this year, Teilor wrote a post showing the reasons why Google deletes blogs that are not in accordance with the Policy Content Blogger.

Google can delete my blog from Blogger / Blogspot? (required reading)

When a blog violates the rules, it shall be considered a spam blog and it is automatically deleted. This is good because it reduces drastically the number of blogs piracy, pornography, spammers and plagiarists.
The problem is that robots make mistakes and blogs that follow the rules can also be deleted. The difference is that in the first case, if confirmed the violation of terms of service, no good crying because it was your blog! In the second case, tracking errors occur when there is a possibility of recovering the blog.
Recently, the baby had its Ariane TNB deleted by mistake. Despite the disorder, the blog was recovered in a short time and returned intact.

What to do when a blog is deleted and considered as spam?

The first thing to do is carefully read the Terms of Service and Content Policy and verifies that you did not breach any rules:
If all agree, follow these instructions. To request a review of your blog
  1. Go to your blogger dashboard
  2. Click "Restore", just below the name of your blog
  3. Follow the procedures as required. This way your case is reviewed.
Source: Blogger Forum - My blog has been "identified" as spam
If you there is no button/ link for "restore" in your account and you are absolutely sure that there was a tracking error, please contact Google through the forum.
If you were scared and would like to have more control over you’re your blog then remember:

DO regular backups of the posts and the template of your blog

Must read these posts to understand BackUps

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